Back end - How To Discuss
Back end,
Definition of Back end:
About the end or outcome of a project, process or investment.
General - Behind-the-scenes operations of a company with very little customer contact. The backend office or department provides the services that make up the business function, such as: b accounting, administration, data communication processing and document management. Look no further.
Refers to or identifies a part of a computer system or application that the user does not have direct access to and is generally responsible for storing and processing data.
The last part of a period or process.
The part of a computer system or application that the user cannot directly access and is generally responsible for storing and processing data.
Network Marketing: Commissions received through independent agents for assigned rotating agents (flow agents).
End of work or end of work.
Synonyms of Back end
Appendage, Back end, Hindmost part
How to use Back end in a sentence?
Meaning of Back end & Back end Definition
The backend is the server part of the client-server system.
The code running on the server that determines how the website works.
The behind-the-scenes portion of a website that makes it work and is usually not visible to the user interacting with the website.
The backend of a site is that part that is hidden from regular site visitors. The backend generally includes the information structure, the applications and the CMS that manages the content of the website.
The backend refers to that part of the application that performs an important task that is unknown to the user.