Owl In Spanish - How To Discuss
Owl In Spanish
How do you say potato in English? Potato girl, no boy? ۔
I know intoxication means owl, but it's a boy, right? What is the name of the potato? Help!!!
Smell is used for male or female, one might say bo hem (female owl). Is wrong
There are many types of potatoes, in Spanish we use:
* But referring to an owl whose wings point upwards from the head and are like ears.
* Use for test owls that do not have ear wings. Since the word oza sounds feminine in Spanish, you can use yout mac to denote male oza.
American potatoes and the old world drunken owls.
Owl In Spanish
Owl In Spanish
How do you call an owl in English? Owl girl, any boy? 3
I know drunk means owl, but it's a boy, right? What is the name of the owl? Help!!!
Used for smell male or female, you can say bo ham (female owl). Wrong smell.
There are many types of owls, in Spanish we use:
* But to mention the owls whose wings point upwards from the sides of the head, which look like ears.
* Use for tset owls that do not have winged ears. Since the word Uza sounds feminine in Spanish, you can use ut a uza mac to denote the masculine Uza.
The American owl and the drunken owl of the old world
Bú is a real owl or a common uza is a common owl.
Smell is used for both men and women.
A united states
They are what they call owls in Harry Tart.
Owl In Spanish
Owl In Spanish
Bú, Uza, Tecolote (Mexico), Cár, etc.
This applies to both men and women.
Owl In Spanish