Project Brief - How To Discuss
Project Brief
An overview of everything the project entails.
Literal Meanings of Project Brief
Meanings of Project:
A planned activity, usually with a specific goal in mind, performed in stages or steps.
(usually plural) An urban residential building for low-income people.
Stationary circuit, impractical design.
A rookie in the rough that the team hopes will improve significantly by coaching the old diamond in the rough.
Good start.
Place from which something is projected.
Go beyond the surface.
Project (image or shadow) onto a surface to project or project forward to project forward.
A bulge (bulge or appendage) outward.
Make plans for the future.
Introducing yourself, making a certain impression is generally good.
Acceptance of the qualities or ways of thinking of others based on one's own personality.
How to change the projection (or coordinate system) of the spatial data to another projection.
Draw straight lines from a fixed point, passing through any point of the body or shape, and drop them on the surface to form the points of the new shape.
Sentences of Project
Projects such as PruittIgoe were deemed irreparably dangerous and scrapped.
Project person.
The CEO expects the acquisition to close in April 2007.
Synonyms of Project
extend, stick out, forecast, foretell, cast, jut, protrude, foresee, jut out, throw
Meanings of Brief:
A subpoena ordering someone to answer for an act.
Response to every action.
A memorandum of a factual or legal nature to be used when dealing with a case.
(extended) A position of importance or defense.
Written legal substantiation from the attorney for presentation to the court.
(English Law) Material relating to a case given by a solicitor to the solicitor in charge of the case.
Short message or report.
(usually plural) shorts.
CV, clarification or summary summary or resume.
Patent letter issued by a competent authority authorizing the collection or donation of church fees for public or private purposes.
(slang) A ticket of any kind.
Briefly describe the recent development of the person empowered to make decisions.
Write an argument and file a lawsuit.
Short term, fleeting.
Short in few words.
Occupies a small distance, area or spatial extent.
Widespread common species.
Soon soon.
Sentences of Brief
We have received the newsletter.
I wear under my pants, but I usually wear when I exercise.
The President of the United States was briefed on the military coup and its impact on stability in .
His reign was short but impressive.
His acceptance speech was brief but moving.
Her skirt was very short, but definitely cool.