Project X True Story - How To Discuss

Project X True Story

Is the Project X movie based on a true story? 3

In fact, a few years ago in Australia, someone started a movie that cost their neighbors thousands of dollars. Apparently, Leewood is exaggerating this movie for Project X, but this movie is actually a real event. Based on Watch this clip (My throat is famous)

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Is the Project X movie based on a true story?

Project X True Story

This is not a true story but what happens in the film must have happened somewhere. Now that the film has been released, it is clear that night owls around the world will try to recreate the film at their parties, so in that sense it is a true story.

* Liam is fine. This holiday is based on a public holiday in Australia. It got so out of hand that the cost of damages reached $ 20,000 compared to Million Project X. It is also based on a party movie, but with more favors for the aunt.

Project X True Story

Project X True Story

A true story based on a film project

Yes, indeed! Not all of the events in the film may be completely accurate, but it is based on a party in Australia when a teen's parents decide to go out.

It's based on Australia's Corey Delaney Party ... You may find a news clip on YouTube that teases a bit towards the end of the Project X movie :)

I think I read somewhere that was inspired by Corey Worthington's opening party in Australia a few years ago.

Project X True Story
